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The Clock Essay A ‘clock’ is an instrument used to indicate, record, and oversee time. The word ‘clock’ origina...

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Business writing - Informal Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Business writing - Informal Report - Essay Example Although the NCLB act act was signed into law to help improve school performance it has not been as successful. On the contrary, the act has only narrowed the curriculum to the detriment of science subjects. The federal and state governments have continued to invest the vast amounts of resources that in public education. Over the past few decades, the average performance of American schools has increasingly stagnated. This has been particularly attributed to the effects of rapid globalization. . Consequently the stakeholders of the U.S public schools need to be informed of the causes of low performances (NCES, 14). This report will therefore be Significantly critical in providing valuable insights into the causes of poor performance in our schools. Finally the report will help in the evaluation of potential mitigation measures for the stagnating performance in American schools. There are a number of potential causes of the current problem of low performance in American public schools. One of such causes is the problem is misallocation of resources and poor funding. For example, public schools generally receive fewer funds and sometimes these funds are distributed unequally in these schools. As a result students in private and chattered schools tend to perform better. Characteristically, most public schools are understaffed though the students in these schools are many. This often result into low educational and staffing ratios or rather student-teacher ratio (Darling, 87). Generally, the current issue of inequitable funding and misallocation of resources can be attributed to the following reasons: Public schools in the USA normally allow corporations apart from the federal government to manage chain of these schools. Consequently this has brought about different policies and procedures for the management of these schools because there may be contradictions in the policies. i. Poor documentation of administrative procedures-

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