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Assistive Technology Essay example - 2112 Words

Assistive Technology Abstract: Assistive technology is one way that individuals with learning disabilities have been able to overcome the difficulties with comprehension that they possess. This form of technology comes in many forms, ranging from low to high technology devices. These devices, some as simple as a highlighter, help to organize and keep on track the individual with a learning disability. Assistive technology has many benefits to a student and helps individuals to compensate in their studies to be able to achieve all that they can in their school career. Assistive technology is often used by individuals with a learning disability. A learning disability â€Å"describes a neurobiological disorder in which a person’s brain†¦show more content†¦The range of technology can be from low to high technology devices (Goodman 1). The Assistive Technology Act of 1998 combines both devices and services in their definition. The law provides that each state and territory has provisions for the availability of the technology for people with disabilities and that the services have to be available to them. There are many reasons why an individual with a learning disability would want to use assistive technology. To begin with, a person would want to learn how to utilize the forms of technology available while still young since these learning problems can persist through a lifetime. If a child learns to use these devices, they will have greater success through their lives, since they are now being able to function with the â€Å"normà ¢â‚¬ . Research has been conducted and it proves that the usage of the assistive technology devices improve the students learning experiences. Everyone who needs to use the devices should have them readily available to them. Learning disabilities are not meant to be fixed but are instead meant to be dealt with. The handling of the assistive technology helps students deal with an issue that they have, and since it does not go away, they need to learn to work with their gifts. Trying to make the problems disappear will not work, since a learning disability does not just go away, but itShow MoreRelatedAssistive Technology1683 Words   |  7 Pages| Assistive Technology Evaluation | EDU 620 Meeting Individual StudentNeeds With Technology Instructor: Deborah Naughton | | Rhonda Reed | 11/20/2013 | | Assistive Technology Evaluation Assistive technology evaluation must be in an initial or three year reevaluation. 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Assistive technology are the devices and services used to maintain or improve the capabilities of a student with a disability (Dell, Newton, Petroff, 2011). Through these technologies, students with learning disabilities are able to complete tasks in the classroom that they were otherwise, unable to achieve. Prior to the availability of assistive technology, aRead MoreShould Assistive Technology Be Disabled Students With Disabilities Education Act ( Idea )812 Words   |  4 PagesDisabilities Education Act (IDEA) 1997 and IDEA 2004 provided disabled students with options for assistive technology in the classroom as well as assistive technology services. It is through these mandates that Individual Educational Plans (IEP) began to include assistive technology options. The IDEA 2004 â€Å"law mandates that assistive technology devices and services be provided to students with disa bilities if the technology is essential for accessing education-related resources. (Dell, Newton, Petroff, 2012Read More Assistive Technology for Individuals with Disabilities Essay1863 Words   |  8 PagesAssistive Technology for Individuals with Disabilities Assistive technology plays an important role in the learning process for individuals with disabilities. Assistive technology is defined as any item, piece of equipment or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities. (Maushak, Kelley Blodgett, 2001, p. 419) Assistive technology is very beneficialRead MoreTechnology : Assistive Technology1655 Words   |  7 Pageswould need crutches. Crutches are an important piece of technology know as assistive technology. The spectrum is extremely broad for assistive technology, and has been changing dramatically since the 1900s. 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