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The Clock Essay A ‘clock’ is an instrument used to indicate, record, and oversee time. The word ‘clock’ origina...

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Chemical Control Of The Colorado Potato Beetle - 1717 Words

INTRODUCTION Pests are nuisances, vectors for disease, and hinder the production of food and other goods. Pests contribute to roughly 14% of the destruction of the world’s annual agricultural output. Additionally, they are vectors that allow for the transmission of many pathogens (Windley, 2012). The exact date that pesticides were implemented into the practice of agriculture is unknown; however, it is estimated that it likely has been around since the inception of early farming techniques. For instance, sulfur was recorded to have been used as a chemical control for mites and insects as early as 12000BC (Jones 1973). One common insecticide used in the Middle Ages in Persia and ancient China consisted of an ingredient from the Dalmatian pyrethrum flowers. Containing 1.5% of pyrethrin, the Dalmatian pyrethrum was the origin of an active insecticidal substance (Davies et al, 2007). Paris green (copper(II) acetate triarsenite or copper(II) acetoarsenite) was a key component in the chemical co ntrol of the Colorado potato beetle during its application in 1871 (Alyokhin 2009). The historical evidence of regular utilization of these insect deterrents indicates an awareness by early agriculturists of the interactions between pest and the unique properties of chemicals that destroy them. Furthermore, it is becoming more of a necessity to support the sustainability of the needs of an ever-growing population of humans. However, the world may be â€Å"cutting off the nose to spite the face†Show MoreRelatedPlants And Insects Have A Long History Together1328 Words   |  6 Pagesthe essential nutrients away from the plant. There are also insects that are predators. The predator insects help the plants by getting rid of the insects that are killing the plant. There are some plants that have a natural pesticide in their chemical make-up and can ward off unwanted bugs. 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