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Monday, December 16, 2019

Risk Assessment And Management Planning - 1774 Words

The Clinical Question â€Å"In the hospitalized adult patient, will the use of multifactorial fall risk assessments and management planning (Morse Fall Assessment) be more efficient in comparison to the current risk assessment (Heinrich model II) practice to prevent falls in the months of November- December in comparison to September- October.† Background Falls are a major health issue for older adults. One third of the population aged 65 and older will fall each year, and of those five to ten percent of falls cause serious injury. Direct injuries result from falls and have potential long-term consequences. These consequences may result in disability, fear of falling, loss of independence, and or death. Patient safety is always the forefront of clinical practice, with this being said, the education and implementation of a revised guideline will decrease the prevalence of said falls. Fall prevention is preventable through multiple avenues. Search for Evidence In collecting evidence for this project, the database CINAHL Plus with Full Text was used to extract articles from scholarly journals in the field of nursing. An initial general search was conducted using the combined terms â€Å"falls† and â€Å"scale† which yielded a handful of articles regarding fall assessment tool. However, a second search using the term â€Å"Morse fall† was conducted to broaden the scope of research, and we were able to make selections from these searches. The Science direct website also provided fast facts on theShow MoreRelatedRisk Assessment And Management Planning1770 Words   |  8 PagesThe Clinical Question: â€Å"In the hospitalized adult patient, will the use of multifactorial fall risk assessments and management planning (Morse Fall Assessment) be more efficient in comparison to the current risk assessment (Heinrich model II) practice to prevent falls in the months of November- December in comparison to September- October.† Background: Falls are a major health issue for older adults. 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