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The Clock Essay A ‘clock’ is an instrument used to indicate, record, and oversee time. The word ‘clock’ origina...

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Developmental Trends of Temperament and Character - Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Developmental Trends of Temperament and Character. Answer: Introduction: In the opinion of Raymond Cattell articulated in his Trait-based personality theories, a persons personality is the traits that predict a person's behavior (Eysenck 2013). In other words, personality can be defined as the set of habitual behaviors, cognitions and emotional patterns that evolve from biological and environmental factors (Eysenck 2013). Personality, therefore, is the response of an individual to the outside world around him or her (Lasswell 2017). Therefore, the concept of personality is used by the various individuals not only to respond to the outside world but also to portray an image of themselves to the outside world (Josefsson et al. 2013). I would like to comment here that in the present times I have become kind of an extrovert person who does not likes to interact much with the other people. In addition to this, I would also say that I am an intuitive person and often judge people on the basis of their personality or the way they themselves. However, at the same time I would comment that I am a very thinking person. Furthermore, instead of focusing on the short term goals I like to focus on the long term goals and hate to make the same kind of mistakes. Personal Value Inventory (PVI) is a tool which is used to measure the strengths as well as the weaknesses of a persons personality (Parks-Leduc et al. 2015). This particular tool takes the help of questionnaires to find out the most important behavioral traits of a person (Parks-Leduc et al. 2015). The tool of PVI is often used by the various individuals to get an idea about their key strengths and weaknesses (Dobewall et al. 2014). In general, the tool of PVI is used by the people to get an idea about their strengths and weakness and it also helps them in their personal development process (Hutteman et al. 2014). The concept of emotional intelligence has gained much popularity in the recent times and is increasingly being used by the various individuals to develop their overall character as well as personality (Goleman, Boyatzis and McKee 2013). The concept of emotional intelligence can be defined as the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one's emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically (Zeidner, Matthews and Roberts 2012). It is significant to note that this particular concept is increasingly been seen as one of the most important traits of an effective leader in the present times and therefore, I would like to cultivate this particular concept in my own character or personality (Druskat, Mount and Sala 2013). The cultivation of this particular skill within my personality is likely to act as one of key strengths. The concept of leadership has gained much prominence in the recent times and it is a reflection of this particular fact that the various individuals focus on the development of this particular skills (Goleman, Boyatzis and McKee 2013). The term is generally defined as the ability or the skill to lead other people or individuals towards the achievement of their desired goals as well as objectives (Goleman, Boyatzis and McKee 2013). I would like to add here that this particular skill is something which I would like to inculcate within my own personality as that would help me in a significant manner in the later part of life when I will start working. I would like to say here that I like to kind of people who are self made and have fought through all the odds of life to attain the success which they now hold. I admire the never give-up spirit among the individuals. Bill Gates was a National Merit Scholar at the Lakeside School in 1973 and scored an impressive 1590 out of 1600 on the Scholastic Aptitude Tests (SAT) in the year 1973 to gain admission at the Harvard College. It is significant to note that his parents wanted to pursue him a career in law however he followed his passion and studied mathematics and computer science. His changing moment in life came with his association with Microsoft and he became one of the primary reasons for the success attained by the company in the later years. Therefore, I admire the persona of Bill Gates and consider him as my mentor as defied all odds and followed his passion. His life when thoroughly analyzed would provide an important lesson in the concept of perseverance. These in short are s ome of the reasons why I admire Bill Gates and consider him to be my mentor. The qualities of Gates like the way he followed his passion, his perseverance, hard work and other skills would help me succeed in life like him. I have applied for a human resource job as part of the class activity and I hope that this is going to help me in my future prospects of gaining a better job in the HR industry. The concerned job will provide me with various key skills like the process of effective communication, the way to handle as well as tackle various diverse people, time management skills, working in a team environment and others. I would like to say that working in a team environment would be my strength when later on in my life I would apply for the HR job. The results of my personality test show that I am an extrovert and therefore I would be able to easily adapt to the team environment. It is significant to note that the HR job is a very diverse job and needs the effective use of team work for a better performance of not only the individual person but also of the entire team. Therefore, I would say that these are likely to form my key areas of strength. The employers look for various qualities as well as strengths among the fresh graduates. The primary skills which the various employers look for in the fresh graduates are effective communication skills, time management, adaptability to diverse critical situations and others. It is significant to note that some of the employers also look for some kind of work experience among the employees however in the case of the fresh employees this particular aspect is not that important. The employers focus on the effective communication skills as that would enable the fresh graduates to interact with the various diverse entities of the business organization concerned in a much better manner. It is generally seen that the most of the business organizations in the present times require the process of effective communication as it forms one of the key aspects of their business process. Moreover, this particular skill becomes especially significant when the HR industry is taken into consideration in which I hope to enter in the future times. Furthermore, the various business organizations also focus on the various time management skills as that would help the employees to complete the job roles assigned to them within the timeframe. These in short are some of the key skills which the various employers look for in the fresh graduates. I would like to add here that these were totally new concepts to me and therefore initially I faced some difficulties with these concepts. Thus, I had to take the help of my teachers, parents and also my friends to get to know about these concepts in a much better and also to implement them in a much better manner in my life. I would like to say here that finding the strengths as well as the weaknesses of mine own self was a bit difficult for me. Initially I was a bit confused about the key strengths as well as the weaknesses of mine own character. I would like to comment here the personality test helped me a lot to determine the strength as well as the weaknesses of mine own-self. Furthermore, the various recent activities and group activities in which I was recently involved in helped a lot to find about my own personal strengths as well as weaknesses. Furthermore, the tough situations in which I was involved throughout the course of my life also gave me an idea about the key strengths as well as weaknesses of mine own character. In addition to these, the suggestions given by my professors at various point of my educational career also helped a lot in finding about my key strengths as well as weaknesses. The viewpoints of my parents also helped me a lot in the process. I would also like to say that find ing about mine own strengths as well as weaknesses helped me to get an idea about the activities which I would be able to do in a much better and the ones which I will not be able to do. The knowledge of this particular aspect is very essential as it gives an idea about the strengths as well as limitations of ones own self. I would like to say here that hard work is a very relative concept and its definition depends on the particular context in which it is being used. Therefore, a person who appears to be working hard as per the perspective of one person might not be working hard as per the perspective of another person. I would like to comment here that hard work forms an important part of the various governmental jobs. In my personal opinion, a hard working employee is not only the one who works towards the achievement of the personal work target given to him or her by the management of the governmental organization but also the ones work effortlessly towards the achievement of the entire teams target and also the motivates the other employees to achieve the job roles which is required of him or her. In addition to these, a hard working employee also takes the onus on himself or herself to teach the other employees of the organization who are new the required skills which will help them in the process of the achievement of the target or job roles which have been ascribed to them by the management of the organization. I would like to say that initially this particular concept seemed a bit difficult to me and I had a hard time following this particular concept. As the results of my personality test reveals I am extrovert person and not much used to hard ward. Therefore, the idea seemed a bit difficult and I had to seek the guidance of others to implement this particular idea in my life. I would also like to add here that critical thinking forms an important part of the lives of the various individuals and helps them in the achievement of the various goals or the objectives not only set by them but also by the organization or the company in which they are working. Critical thinking not only helps the various individuals to overcome the various difficult situations in the life of an individual but also helps them to perform the tasks or the job roles ascribed to them in a much better or innovative. Therefore, it is seen that the various individuals as well as the business organizations insist that the individuals must use as well as inculcate the concept of critical thinking in their every day to day activities. Furthermore, the concept of critical thinking also helps the various individuals to break out of the boredom of their lives and also to do the same tasks which they are required to do every day in a much innovative or better manner. therefore, it can also be s aid that the use of this particular concepts adds to the feel good factor of the various individuals as it enables them not only to do things in a much better manner and but also to think that they have something significant. Furthermore, I would like to add here that at school and other place we had been taught to just follow the books which have been provided to use and therefore we were not much required to use our critical thinking skills. Thus, this particular concept seemed not only new to me but also a bit difficult as in the earlier part of my life I had not used this particular concept. As the results of my personality tests show and as I already mentioned I am an extrovert and like to think about the long term goals or benefits rather than short term ones. Therefore, this will be a bit difficult for me as it would require me to channelize all my thinking process towards the achievement of one particular goal or objective. I would like comment here that this would be a bit difficult for me as I am an extrovert. Furthermore, the development of this process will also require me to focus on various short term goals rather than the long ones which is something that I do not like to indulge in. it is true that the development of the faculty of critical thinking would help me in a significant manner not only in the present times but would also enhance my future job prospects however this will require me to do something which is totally contrary to my nature. Therefore, the activity was a kind of a challenge to me as I had not faced similar kinds of situations in the earli er part of our lives. I would like to mention here that as part of the class activity I undertook a voluntary community service and later on I was interviewed by our professor Mrs Shoba. I would like to add here that the activity which I added recently had some positive as well as negative aspects. The positive aspect of it was that I was able to gain a valuable amount of information as well as experiences. However, there were some negative aspects as well for example the area in which we did the community service was an aboriginal one and not very developed. Therefore, there was a shortage of food for us when we reached and on top of that when we reached that particular and prepared our food, the food was stolen by the mothers of some of the aboriginal children. This left us in a very helpless situation and we had to spend the whole day without any food. I would like to add here that we did not take much of food with us as we thought that we would get substantial amount of food from the locality however that was not the case. I would like to add here that not only we had to depend on our very limited food reserves but also the limited amount of food which we took with ourselves was stolen by the natives. In addition to this, when I was distributing the toothbrush kits to the children I could not find all of them at one place and therefore a lot of commotion was caused during the process. I would also like to add here that the aboriginals were not only undedicated people but very greedy at the same time and added to our miseries at the workshop in a significant manner. These in short were some of the worst experiences which I had during the community service. Therefore, I would like to say that the community service was kind of a mixed experience for me. To conclude, personality forms an important part of the lives of the individuals. It is significant to note that knowing about the strengths as well as the weaknesses of ones own character or personality helps the various individuals in a significant manner. The individuals can take the help of the various kinds of personality tests to not only find about the strengths as well as the weaknesses of their own character but can also get to know themselves in a much better manner. References Dobewall, H., Aavik, T., Konstabel, K., Schwartz, S.H. and Realo, A., 2014. A comparison of self-other agreement in personal values versus the Big Five personality traits. Journal of Research in Personality, 50, pp.1-10. Druskat, V.U., Mount, G. and Sala, F., 2013.Linking emotional intelligence and performance at work: Current research evidence with individuals and groups. Psychology Press. Eysenck, H.J., 2013.The structure of human personality (Psychology Revivals). Routledge. Goleman, D., Boyatzis, R.E. and McKee, A., 2013.Primal leadership: Unleashing the power of emotional intelligence. Harvard Business Press. Goleman, D., Boyatzis, R.E. and McKee, A., 2013.Primal leadership: Unleashing the power of emotional intelligence. Harvard Business Press. Hutteman, R., Hennecke, M., Orth, U., Reitz, A.K. and Specht, J., 2014. Developmental tasks as a framework to study personality development in adulthood and old age. European Journal of Personality, 28(3), pp.267-278. Josefsson, K., Jokela, M., Cloninger, C.R., Hintsanen, M., Salo, J., Hintsa, T., Pulkki-Rback, L. and Keltikangas-Jrvinen, L., 2013. Maturity and change in personality: developmental trends of temperament and character in adulthood.Development and psychopathology,25(3), pp.713-727. Lasswell, H.D., 2017.Power and personality. Routledge. Parks-Leduc, L., Feldman, G. and Bardi, A., 2015. Personality traits and personal values: A meta-analysis. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 19(1), pp.3-29. Zeidner, M., Matthews, G. and Roberts, R.D., 2012.What we know about emotional intelligence: How it affects learning, work, relationships, and our mental health. MIT press.

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